Kwiatkowski, Producer
Abby Kwiatkowski,
Production Phone: 928-593-9383
(Social media contacts
listed below)
What if there was an Elvis record that was broadcast only once, then
locked away never to be heard again anywhere in the world, and never made
available to the public?
What if nearly everyone involved in the project has passed away,
leaving more questions than answers?
What if this authentic RCA Victor LP seemingly vanished and wasn’t
catalogued until 1999, and even then was inadequately catalogued?
The story begins in October 1967 when Elvis started filming Stay Away, Joe, a Hollywood film shot on location in Sedona and Cottonwood,
Arizona. While not a stand-out in Elvis’ film career, it generated a unique
footnote in his musical career — a footnote all but forgotten in the coming
tsunami of achievements by the King of Rock and Roll. Those eclipsing
achievements included:
After 12 years of filmmaking, Elvis’ electrifying appearance in
black leather in the 1968 NBC-TV Special
reclaimed his place as the King, and revived
him musically.
In July 1969, Elvis began performing in Las Vegas where he set
attendance records and made the live album: On
Stage February, 1970.
In 1970, Elvis starred in the documentary, Elvis, That's the
Way It Is. This critically acclaimed film gave most of the world their
first glimpse of Elvis performing in his signature jumpsuits.
In January 1973, Elvis gave a televised concert from Honolulu,
with all proceeds going to charity. Known as Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite, it was seen in 40 countries
and captured more viewers than the first moon landing in 1969. The concert
album reached reach No. 1 on all the national LP charts.
Elvis was the first
performer to sell more than one billion records worldwide! He also had 165 charted hits in the U.S.
alone. He is the only performer inducted into five
Halls of Fame: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Country Music Hall of Fame, Hit
Parade Hall of Fame, International Rock-a-Billy Hall of Fame, and Gospel Music
Hall of Fame.
But back to 1967 in northern
Arizona and the reason for the Stay Away, Joe LP.
Its purpose was two-fold:
First, as a 30-minute thank you from Elvis and the Colonel (Tom Parker, his
manager) to the people in Cottonwood and Sedona for their kindnesses during the
filming of Stay Away, Joe, and, since it aired on a Sunday morning, to
introduce listeners to Elvis' two Grammy Award winning albums of gospel music.
According to “Mr. Music,” Jerry Osborne, a renowned expert on all
things pertaining to Elvis: “Unbelievable though it seems, this 12-inch album
was made for a one-time broadcast by only one radio station—KVIO in
Cottonwood, Arizona, a tiny community southwest of Sedona. Ensuring the show
ran exclusively on this station is the mention by the host during the show
itself of the call letters: K-V-I-O. This fact alone negates the need for more
than one copy being distributed.”
Even though a later compilation of songs from
the film was commercially released, there was never an actual Stay
Away, Joe soundtrack
album. The LP broadcast by KVIO did not contain any of the songs from the film,
but has since become known as the Stay Away, Joe LP.
In this documentary film,
join the cross-country search for the Stay
Away, Joe LP and more of the story behind its creation.
# #

media links:
Know a history buff, a rare record aficionado or die-hard Elvis fan? Do
you--or someone you know--have photos, home movies or audio of Elvis during his
time in Arizona while filming Stay
Away, Joe?Send them our way!
You can help us with this production by spreading the word to friends, family, co-workers and neighbors. We’ve created the social media links below to share your Elvis-in-Arizona stories:
We want to hear from you!
Share your stories on Facebook
Email us at
Or go to Google+ at Elvis Documentary
On Twitter, you can find us
at @ElvisPresleyDoc.
We're on Instagram at Elvisdocumentary.
Crowd Funding Campaign
(to help pay for clearances, rights and permission to use Elvis’
music, film clips and images):
And here is the link to Karen Leff's historical account. Karen is owner of Cottonwood Hotel:
And here is the link to Karen Leff's historical account. Karen is owner of Cottonwood Hotel: