Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mary Eichman Recipient of NACOG Accomplished Elder Award


It was my great honor to nominate Cottonwood volunteer Mary Eichman for the Northern Arizona Council of Governments Accomplished Elder Award. Mary received the recognition in Flagstaff on Oct. 4.

Now in her third term as Chairman of Cottonwood Bookmarks/Friends of the Library, Mary has guided the group pricing donated used books and keeping the book sale boutique stocked.  She can be found at the library at least twice a week.  Last year, during March and November, Mary worked almost daily at the month-long half price sales.  Writing publicity items and the Bookmarks portion of Library Lines are part of her service.  Mary is an avid reader who believes in the mission of the Bookmarks to encourage the use of the public library and to raise funds for it.  Shelving and patron computers were purchased with proceeds.  This was important due to lack of funds in the library budget.  Mary was appointed to complete the term of Dr. Jay Fleishman on the Library Board of Directors.

Mary's retirement role is as a volunteer in several areas that improve local quality of life.  For more than seven years she has volunteered her time and vehicle through Verde Valley Caregivers.  Mary has done friendly visiting, friendly phoning and business help.  She now specializes in transporting “neighbors” to medical appointments and shopping with or for them because the number of elderly and disabled needing assistance is growing.  Most of her time is spent with people living in Christian Care Apartments and Verde Manor.  In 2010, even though out of town for six weeks on vacation, she logged more than 100 days providing over 250 hours of service.  Totals were larger for 2011.

Mary especially appreciates the services provided by Old Town Mission.  In addition to monetary donations, she shops at Fry's during special sales and transports cases or bags of canned goods directly to the mission.   

Other local areas of interest are Verde Voices, Verde Valley Sinfonietta and Yavapai College Foundation.  Mary supports the Mayor's Walk-a -Mile event for the Senior Center, Relay for Life, Mingus Union High Interact Club, Zeke Taylor Barbecue and other fund-raisers for Clemenceau Museum. 

Mary donated a used sofa in good condition to Verde Valley Sanctuary with the intent that it would be given to an abused woman to help furnish her new apartment to start a better  life.   Mary is also the proud owner of a Stoney Harby original from the Mannheim gallery fund-raiser. 

Mary can be seen advocating on behalf of the citizens by making suggestions at city council meetings, and supporting local businesses around town during many events. 

Mary is willing and able to listen to all points of view and make informed decisions. She cares about sustaining a good quality of life in the city of Cottonwood and Verde Valley. She has a good sense of humor and loves dogs. She retired from the City of Mesa where she was a Police Records Shift Supervisor. She has lived in Cottonwood since 1999. She was born in Baraboo, Wisconsin at the St. Mary's Ringling Hospital which was one of the homes of the Ringling Brothers, of circus fame. In addition to working full-time, she raised three children who are productive adults with their own children and grandchildren. 
Mary is a dynamic bundle of energy who spends a good part of every day helping other people in the Verde Valley community.

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